- Gear up for the great energetic shift may onwards
- Learning from the end storm in the month of may
- Fall in cases & birth of new medical inventions
- Significant month in astrology
- Two major planets Saturn &Jupiter in state of being retrograde
Mercury’s current transit at May 9, 2020 9:46.
Mars enters Aquarius on May 4, 2020, 20:39:50 in Dhanishta
Retrogression of Jupiter & Saturn

Definition of term retro–
Is to focus & implement in that area of house
It is the time of limitation, restriction, anxiety & fear
Date of Saturn Retrogression: May 11,2020-
Date of Progression: September 29,2020(Direct)
Total Retrograde Duration:142 days
Saturn will be retro in Mrigshira nakashtra
Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore, Saturn retrograde is a double dose of karma.
Karma is a form of energy which is real.
Jupiter will be retrograde on May 14,2020-September 13,2020(Direct)
Rahu transit in Gemini on May 20,2020 at 17:44 in Mrigshira-Beginning of end of storm
Ketu transit in Sagittarius on May 20,2020 at 17;44 in Mula at 17:44
Do’s & Don’t’’s of this period
- Embrace the responsibility
- Elevate the spiritual aspect & involve in yoga, breathing exercises
- Create a new life by putting in the toil & sweat
- Plans to lay the founding stone of a new business venture or commencing any task should be avoided during the transit of Saturn in retrograde motion
- Retrograde Saturn also brings forth many environmental changes. Excessively strong and cold winds start blowing and events like landslides and earthquakes can be seen during this time. Thus, this astrological event is considered quite spectacular, which creates influential situations not only for a specific person but also for a nation, as well as the entire Universe.
The movement of Saturn can bring positive as well as negative changes in our lives.
Effect of Saturn as per the zodiac signs:
Aries: Saturn retrograde will bring positive energy inside you. Keep restraint in your speech. Take care of your health and family members.
Taurus: Avoid fiction and face reality. Meditate to boost your enthusiasm. Family members will support you in future endeavours. Students may excel in the field of education.
Gemini: Avoid laziness and anger. Listen to music, read books to remove negative energy. Take care of your father’s health. Read holy books to calm your mind.
Cancer: You will increase your social circle. You can even propose your partner for marriage. Parents will provide full support in the field of education. Avoid eating fried foods.
Leo: You can use your intelligence to excel in several fields. You can discuss any ongoing conflict among family members and solve the problem. Take care of your partner’s health and avoid unnecessary stress.
Virgo: You may be able to achieve long pending goals. You will be able to overcome laziness, greed, and sexual urges. Your partner will support you in all your endeavors.
Libra: You will find new level of energy and enthusiasm. You will be able to get good results on the work front based on your smartness. Take care of your health. Your communication skills will improve.
Scorpio: You will spend quality time with your family members. People will be attracted to you. Efforts at work may lead to promotion. Students will receive the help of their friends.
Sagittarius: Positive changes are headed towards your life. Relationship with family members will improve. You will spend some money to buy equipment related to entertainment. Keep your finances in check.
Capricorn: Think carefully before any actions. Wrong choices may lead to problems. Talk to your parents before taking important decisions. Couples may join hands to start a new business. Pay attention to your food habits.
Aquarius: Take every step with caution. Do not invest money into something unless its essential. Relationship with father will get better. Take care of your parent’s health.
Pisces: Expect better results on the work front. There may be some problems in the family. Spend time with your family members. You could get an opportunity to visit foreign countries in the near future.
- It is advised to chant Saturn related mantras everyday one rosary to pacify the malefic effects.
- “Om pram preem proma sah shaneya namah” or “Om Shan Shaneshcharya Namah”.
- Light a diya with mustard oil every Saturday under the peepal tree to get relief from the ill-effects of malefic saturn. Recite Dashrath Krita Shani Path and shani neel strotra every saturday

Jupiter the lord of Puravasa, Vishakha and Purvabhadra nakshatra.
Date of Jupiter Retrogression: May 14,2020-
Date of Progression:September 13,2020(Direct)
Is a period of mystical power & strength
Attainment of success at the cost of risk
Pour water on pipal tree every day and take seven rounds of it.
- You should visit a Vishnu temple everyday and offer ghee, kapur, potato, curd.
- It is advisable to observe fasts on Thursdays. Worship goddess Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu with turmeric and yellow sandalwood and also apply kesar tilak on your forehead.
- For this remedy the observer should take bath with yellow mustard seeds and honey and chant Jupiter mantra while bathing, followed by bathing with fresh water.
- Donate food or jupiter related things like salt, turmeric, lemon etc to a priest or any needy person to get auspicious results of Jupiter. You can make donation on Thurdays to increase the auspiciousness.
- You must chant Jupiter mantra, “Om Gum Gurwaya Namah” to get its benefic results. Chant this mantra for 108 times everyday or on Thursday for good results.