Lunar Charged Water
Moon is the prime significator of emotions as per astrology.A weak moon can be strengthened with full moon water &yields amazing results. You can also boost your personal power with moon work, particularly during the full and new moon, when vibes are high.Luna Lunar means two phases of moon full & new moon (the dark and the light) which we can use for higher cause.
The New Moon: The new moon is a great time to set intentions, make wishes, and set out a path for change, increased harmony, creativity, resolution, new beginnings. It can also be used to release energies and break out of patterns.
The Full Moon: The full moon is a good time to do any sort of practice or spell-work, but I think of it as a time to renew what I worked on during the new moon, sew big seeds, do seriously potent work and recharge in big ways.
I have found that one powerful way to harness this energy, is by charging water under the full moon. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. Just as the moon affects the rhythmic waves of the ocean, our emotions and spirit are also greatly affected during the full phase of the moon – given the intimate connection between the moon and water.
Preparation of water altars shall be explained in online workshops.